Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)

Securewest offers Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) 24/7 response, testing and support services. We take the pressure of maintaining the safety and security of your vessels and crew away from you, giving you peace of mind whilst maintaining ISPS compliance.

The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) discreetly transmits a silent alert if your vessel is under threat, enabling immediate onshore assistance through a secure, hidden activation system.

How does the SSAS work?

When the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) is activated—typically in the event of an attempted piracy attack, terrorism, or any other maritime threat-related incident— it immediately sends continuous alerts to designated recipients until it is reset or deactivated.

Depending on the requirements of the vessel’s Flag State, the alert may be sent to:

  • The ship owner or operator
  • A third-party SSAS management provider, such as Securewest
  • The ship’s Flag State authority

Onshore recipients are responsible for notifying the appropriate national authorities or coastal states in the vessel’s vicinity, enabling the rapid deployment of security forces to assist and rescue those on board.

Ship Security Alert System Monitoring and Management

What is the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)?

The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), under SOLAS regulations, is a system onboard designed to raise the alarm ashore in case of a security threat or security incident, so that help from security forces can be deployed to the scene.

Why should you have it?

  • Ensure legal and regulatory compliance
  • Uphold moral responsibility for your crew and passengers
  • Fulfil duty of care obligations
  • Business continuity and minimise operational disruption
  • Avoid potential financial loss, legal cost and reputational damage

Benefits of using a third party Ship Security Alert System Management company

Strengthens your ship’s security and enhances the safety of your crew

Ensures compliance – ISPS / Flag State / Annual Radio Survey, SOLAS chapter XI-2

Never miss or react late to an alert which could cause threat to the life and/or vessel

Testing is essential to check it is functioning properly in case of a real incident

Third party management takes the onus off your CSO and staff so they can concentrate on other tasks

Streamline the processes and procedures of your fleet

Why Securewest?

A proven market leader, since 2002

Trusted by some of the worlds largest Shipping and Oil & Gas companies

Our Maritime Assistance Centre (MAC) is 24 hour, 7 days a week

We ensure you conform to IMO standards and are fully compliant

We take the burden away from your CSO

We react within five minutes to the alert, notifying pre-agreed organisations, authorities and personnel

We monitor online tracking service platforms (TSPs) to manage SSAS alerts on your behalf

Additional services are included in the annual costs including our Weekly Maritime Threat Summary

Referral program for clients

Get in touch

Find out how we can safeguard your people, assets and reputation from harm.

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