Maritime Training & Services
Showing all 2 results
Proficiency in STCW Security Awareness (PSA) Online Course (MCA Approved)
Proficiency in STCW Security Awareness (PSA) is designed for all seafarers and gives you the basic information required to carry out security duties onboard, helping you to have heightened security awareness. The course is approved by the UK DfT Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)
Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) Online Course (MCA Approved)
Proficiency in STCW for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (PDSD) provides the required knowledge, understanding and proficiency to crew & staff, who have the responsibility of fulfilling designated security duties on board to increase the security and safety. The course is approved by the UK DfT Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).